Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Connecticut Art School Joins the Fight Against Germs

Artists at Connecticut Art School have become germ fighters with a creative twist. The flu, specifically H1N1, has effected just about everyone and has become a dominant topic of conversation at home and at school. Students are continually reminded to sneeze into their sleeves and wash their hands.

We decided it was time for a creative approach to fight the flu so we challenged our students to become germ fighters. Their mission was to create an original germ that would work to wipe out disease and keep cooties under control. They had complete artistic license and could design their germ with any combination of features: eyes, hands, feet, hair, horns or teeth. They had to consider how their germs would move and whether they should look friendly or scary.

Proudly showing off the finished germs

Brian working on his germ outline

Emma completing the 7 legs on her 7 leg plague germ

Once the preliminary designs were complete the germs were drawn on 9x12 paper filling the page. Outlines were painted with black tempera paint. We talked about colors combinations that would work for the germs. Every inch of the paper was painted making the germs adorable, scary, interesting and sometimes a little gross.

Personalized hand sanitizers ready to fight germs

 We wanted our germs to make an impact in our lives and our community so each painting was reduced on the color copier to make a label. The labels were affixed to 2 oz bottles of hand sanitizer and each student was given 2 bottles. One bottle was for their personal use and the second bottle was given to a teacher, friend or relative.

With all the illnesses going around it was fun to take control of the germs. The students had a blast designing and bringing their germs to life. Being able to share them by sending the creative germs out into the world to fight bad germs felt great.

Katelyn adds great colors to make her germ come alive

A great group of germs!!

The painting process

The painting process continues

Ryan's germ - lots of blue

Ryan and Jason - hard at work

Lots of bright pink paint -